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Being a Restorative Kid / Being a Restorative Student:

Sessions for students R-12 on Restorative Practices




To book this workshop please contact Bill Hansberry



Because Restorative Practice is pedagogy, we need to teach it to students similarly to other curricula. The good thing about this Restorative Practices as a curriculum area is that the lessons are always real-life, so making it relevant isn’t a problem!


This highly sought-after series of workshops is divided into Early Years, Middle School and Upper Secondary.


The Early Years sessions are 30-minute Circle-Time sessions that teachers choose directly from Bill’s Grab and Go Circle Time Kit for Teaching Restorative Behaviour. Popular session choices are:


Session 6: What we need when we are hurt

Session 7: What we need when we have hurt others

Session 8: Being strong and truthful

Session 9: Seeing things differently (perception)

Session 10: Blaming and Fixing

Session 11: Questions that help fix things

Session 12: Fixing up and showing sorry

Session 13: Forgiving others


The Middle Years Students also enjoy the above sessions from the Grab and Go Manual, but Bill has developed a 1-hour workshop called ‘Dealing with Feelings when things go wrong’. This workshop teaches the critical concept of shame and what happens inside of us when something goes wrong with our friendships, or someone tells us we have ‘mucked up’.


The Compass of Shame is introduced (which kids always understand easily), and the power of restorative practices is explained as a way to help people deal with the moments that trigger feelings of yuck and to get on with the vital business of repairing and growing from moments when we have managed ourselves poorly.


The Upper Secondary session deals with a scenario called ‘The New Kid’, where a girl new to the school has been subjected to harassment and cyberbullying. Students work in a circle, small groups and pairs to look at how responses from the school would deliver the best outcomes for Erin (the new girl) and hold those responsible for the attacks accountable in a way that will increase empathy and moral behaviour.


These sessions are always well received by students, teachers and leaders - whom Bill asks to join the sessions and participate as they would if they were students! The understanding and perspectives staff and students share in these sessions are truly transformative and improve relationships between staff and students.










“An engaging presentation, hands on and direct. Bill was excellent as a facilitator.”


Head of House - Mount Carmel College SA.

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Bill Hansberry

Fullarton House

22 Gordon Street, Glenelg

South Australia 5045

Ph +61 433399767



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