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Working Restoratively in Schools:

Level 2: Small Group and Classroom Applications of RP’s


Full day Workshop - 

pre-requisite training: Level 1


To book this workshop please contact Bill Hansberry



Picking up where the awareness level workshop left off, the level 2 day picks up where the level 1 workshop finished and sees us moving up the continuum of restorative practice to look at using modified restorative questioning in a circle (class conference) format to help students agree on expected behaviours in a learning environment. Bill models this process in a circle, and participants then group off to create their proactive conference scripts for use back at school.


Next, Staff reflect on their experiences using restorative pedagogy with students (since the level 1 workshop) and, through a series of collegial sharing protocols, create ‘burning questions’ to bring to larger circles for conversation and analysis. This exercise encourages honest straight-talk about the aspects of restorative work that worry Staff and airs the non-discussable about restorative practices in schools. If ignored, these questions act as roadblocks to the change process.  


In the afternoon, we look at and practice small group restorative conferencing, using both ‘sides’ of the restorative script to encourage reflection, understanding, responsibility-taking and restoration in the wake of conflict and wrongdoing. Small group conferencing is a complex skill that contains many micro-skills that Bill uncovers in this session.


Small group conferencing is modelled by Bill (as many times as needed) in a fishbowl format, and staff are then invited to head off in groups and play with a range of realistic scenarios to develop their small group conferencing skills.


At the end of this day, staff report a deeper understanding of the range of ways Restorative Pedagogy can weave through their work with students.  


Following this workshop, Bill will (upon request) work with the Implementation Team to plan the next 6-12 months of Implementation.


The suggested next step is the Working Restoratively in Schools Mid-Implementation Day (Keeping the ball rolling toward whole-school Implementation).


Bill will also make recommendations about Restorative Conference Facilitator Training for a selected group of staff who will share the responsibility of the planning, facilitating and modelling conferencing for the team.


Bill will recommend Circle Time training for all staff at this stage.

“An engaging presentation, hands on and direct. Bill was excellent as a facilitator.”


Head of House - Mount Carmel College SA.

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Bill Hansberry

Fullarton House

22 Gordon Street, Glenelg

South Australia 5045

Ph +61 433399767



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