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Workshops for Educators


Workshops on Evidence-Based Literacy Teaching, Dyslexia and other Specific Learning


Disorders - WORKSHOP 18




Teaching Spelling the Playberry Way:

A Workshop for Schools wanting teach spelling better


Full day workshop


To book this workshop please contact Bill Hansberry



This workshop uses Bill's" Spelling Rules Worth Remembering" Infographic to guide a journey through some of the English spelling system's most important rules and concepts. 


This workshop is essential knowledge for teachers who want to know how to explicitly teach spelling to all students, particularly those students who need more than a few exposures or word sorts to make spelling patterns stick. 


Teachers find this workshop inspiring and challenging as Bill explicitly teaches them the way he teaches his students. Teachers will leave this workshop with a fire in their bellies to learn more and a new lens to scrutinize the strengths and weaknesses of their current commercial spelling programs. 


Feedback from our teachers was that they'd love to teach reading and spelling more explicitly but were lacking some of the knowledge behind the rules of the English Language. It's hard to teach what you don't know!


A couple of staff and I had previously completed the TSD1 course with Bill and were thinking how great it would be if the whole staff could do it. Then we heard Bill had started offering a full-day PD around Spelling Rules, Phonemic Awareness development and the Simple View of Reading. We thought- Perfect! Sign us up!


We had a great day working together and learning together, and as always, Bill kept the day entertaining and engaging! The feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive and has been very thought-provoking for everyone involved. It was great to have all class teachers and SSOs working together...


Amanda Walker

Deputy Principal and Literacy Coordinator Kidman Park PS

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"A wealth of knowledge - fantastic!"

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Bill Hansberry

Fullarton House

22 Gordon Street, Glenelg

South Australia 5045

Ph +61 433399767



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